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Telehealth Services

Healthcare is never out of reach.

At RediMed, we understand that accessing healthcare can be a challenge for people living in remote or rural locations.  

That’s why we offer telehealth services that allow clients to access our medical team for early diagnosis, preventative management, and treatment from the comfort of their own home or community centre. 

Our telehealth services are provided via FaceTime or Skype, and can include consultations with our doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals.  

We can provide advice on a range of health issues, from minor illnesses to chronic conditions.

Telehealth | RediMed

Immediate Response

In addition to general consultations, our telehealth services can also be used in the event of an injury or acute illness occurring onsite.  

Our doctors can give face-to-face advice to onsite medics and first aid officers, and our on-call surgeons can triage patients to decide what the best course of action should be.  

This can help to reduce the risk of complications and ensure that patients receive appropriate treatment as quickly as possible.

Telehealth Appointment

Please note that in case of an emergency, you should call 000 for immediate assistance.

Our telehealth services are designed to provide timely and convenient access to healthcare, but they are not a substitute for emergency services. Our friendly staff can provide more information on how to access our services and what to expect during your telehealth consultation.